


Deborah Ward

Deborah Ward is a choreographer and doctoral candidate at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. Her research explores narrative works by women ballet choreographers using a feminist narratological lens. A graduate of Elmhurst Ballet School, Surrey, Deborah holds an MA in Dance Studies from De Montfort University, a BA (Hons) in Communications Studies – Dance from the University of Leeds and a Professional Performance Diploma from the José Limón Institute, New York. As a dance educator Deborah has taught internationally with a focus on Contemporary Ballet, Limón-based technique and Choreographic Practices. She has taught across the UK in both university and conservatoire settings including Edge Hill University, the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Performers College, and as programme manager for Rambert2. Deborah has choreographed works in both musical theatre and contemporary dance contexts. Her current choreographic practice explores contemporary ballet, folk dance and music to create theatrical works for non-traditional stages she works with multi-faceted artists to explore folklore. Her publications include writing for The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Ballet (2021) and the Istanbul University Journal of Women’s Studies (2023) with a focus on the role of women as ballet choreographers and ballet choreography in education. She has presented at many international conferences including for the Royal Academy of Dance, CORPS de Ballet International, University of Limerick, and the Center for Ballet and the Arts on various aspects of dance performance and pedagogical/choreographic approaches.
Deborah is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, and she currently serves as Chair of the British and International Federation of Festivals and as a board member for CORPS de Ballet International.




Graeme Humphrey

Graeme has been a teacher of piano all his professional life, both at the Royal Academy of Music for thirty-six years from 1974 – 2010, and
privately. He has also been very actively involved in festival adjudicating and examining – work which has taken him all over the world.
He was awarded an Associated Board Scholarship on the piano from New Zealand to study at the Royal Academy of Music. He regularly
teaches in Hong Kong, and was external examiner at National Academy of Fine Arts in Singapore from 2009 – 2011.
In 1988 he founded the Blackheath Music Festival in London. From 1993 – 2010 he tutored at the Shrewsbury International Summer School and was Music Director of the Summer School from 2004 – 2010. In 1997 he was elected Warden of the Private Teachers’ Section of the
Incorporated Society of Musicians, and in 2002 was elected President of the Royal Academy of Music Club.
Graeme has recently been involved in the selecting and editing of a major new piano duet project that is republishing long out-of-print beginner and intermediate level duet material, primarily for the pupil/teacher.
Graeme is both a Fellow and an adjudicator member of The British and International Federation of Festivals.


Bryan Husband

Bryan studied singing and piano accompaniment in London and Cardiff.  After some years in European opera houses, Bryan lived in Southern Ireland, and now has homes in Worcester and London.
He is a professor at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance, London, teaches privately, gives workshops, performs, adjudicates, has
been a Music and Rock & Pop examiner for a major music examining board, and also instructs skiers!
Performances include television and radio broadcasts, opera, oratorio and recital.
“I am a passionate believer that music – the arts, in general – should be available to absolutely everyone; any art form encourages expression and creation, focus and practice, all skills that bring so many benefits to our lives, both professional and leisure”.
In 2005, Bryan became a British and International Federation of Festivals’ Adjudicator, and has adjudicated at festivals around the UK, in
Gibraltar, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Guernsey, and most recently on Jersey.
His hobbies include all theatre, gardening, skiing and walking.



Rosie Whitfield, DipRCM Performers, ARCM Teachers, PGCE

Rosie’s experience as a performer, teacher, examiner and presenter, teamed with an innate love of music, underpins her drive for music in education. Her ability to captivate audiences and inspire young musicians to achieve their dreams stems from a belief that music can change lives.
As an experienced adjudicator for The British and International Federation of Festivals, Rosie is called upon to adjudicate in the UK and abroad and has forged long-standing links with specialist music schools and festivals across the world.
As Director of Music at Whitgift School, Rosie devised numerous projects and regularly presented interactive concerts and masterclasses to thousands of primary school pupils. Developing the prestigious Whitgift International Music Competition in 2013, she continues to support and mentor young musicians hoping for a career in the profession.
Rosie was appointed as Head of Junior Guildhall in January 2020.



1. All classes are open to amateurs irrespective of area of residence. Although the festival is mainly intended for amateurs, professionals may enter the Open Classes. For the purpose of this Festival, a professional is defined in relation to each individual class in the Syllabus as a person whose main occupation is in teaching or performing of the subject covered by that particular class.

2. All entries must be received by the appropriate Section Co-ordinator on or before:
8th July 2024 – Dance Section
27th October 2024 – Music Section

3. The Festival Committee cannot be held responsible for non-arrival of entries for any reason and reserves the right to accept or reject any entry and if necessary to limit the number of entries.

4. No entry will be considered unless accompanied by the relevant fee. Cheques should be made out to: “Maidenhead Festival of Music and Dance”. Entry fees are not refundable. Notification of competition date and time will be emailed to the person completing the entry form. Email addresses must be clearly legible. If you need the notification posted, please enclose a stamped self-addressed envelope with your entry.

5. The Festival Committee reserve the right to alter the Closing Date in all sections should it prove necessary. The right is reserved in the interest of providing a balanced timetable for the maximum enjoyment of all concerned.

6. Notification will be forwarded to each competitor or teacher. Competitors must accept the times and dates allocated to them by the Festival Organisers to any Class. However, the Organisers will try to accommodate special requests in exceptional circumstances, but only if specified on the entry form. Whilst every effort will be made to accommodate such requests, in the interests of the smooth running of the Festival, it may not be possible to do so. The order of performance within a Class is at the sole discretion of the Section Co-ordinator. Only in exceptional circumstances will the printed order be varied and then only with the agreement of the Adjudicator.

7. Competitors should arrive at the venue twenty minutes before the start of their class and be in the performance room ready for the beginning of that class. Any absent competitors will be called again at the conclusion of the class prior to adjudication. Only in exceptional circumstances can adjudication be delayed owing to the late arrival of competitors.

8. In order to facilitate the smooth running of each class, it would be appreciated if competitors wishing to withdraw from one or more classes would communicate with the appropriate Section Co-ordinator in advance. Any competitor not present at the appointed time will be debarred from competing unless valid reasons are given. The decision of the Section Co-ordinator is final.

9. Each Section Committee has the right to decide any question or dispute that may arise. The Executive Committee’s decision is final.

10. The Adjudicator’s decision will be final in all Sections. Any form of communication by competitors, parents, teachers or any other interested parties with the Adjudicators is forbidden and renders the competitor liable to disqualification.

11. Competitors may take part in as many classes as they wish, providing they are eligible, but must not play the same piece more than once. Competitors may only enter the solo classes in their correct age groups where shown. The age of the eldest competitor in a group or ensemble determines the age group in which they will perform. The age of the competitors shall be taken as on 1st September 2024.

12. Pupils or past pupils of an adjudicator may not compete in classes examined by that adjudicator.


13. Medals may be awarded to the competitors who achieve the highest the first, second and third places. Trophies will be awarded where applicable. However, all medals and trophies will be awarded entirely at the discretion of the Adjudicators who may elect not to adhere strictly to the recommendation of the Festival.

The revised marking system is as follows:

Mark Category
65-69 Developing A performance demonstrating an awareness of technical skills, requiring more consistency & artistry.
70-74 Progressing A performance showing development of technique and/or communication and commitment.
75-79 Merit A competent performance showing some artistic appreciation and/or technical ability.
80-84 Commended A convincing performance, technically and artistically, with increasing stylistic & communication skills.
85-89 Honours An excellent performance, demonstrating fluent technical and artistic skills with emerging individuality.
90-94 Outstanding An impressive performance, technically and artistically, displaying spontaneity & clear individuality.
95+ Exceptional A superlative performance, displaying exceptional artistic individuality.


14. Certificates and Report Sheets will either be handed out after the class has finished, or will be available for collection at the end of each class.


15. To comply with the Copyright Act, competitors are reminded that it is illegal to photocopy (or copy by any other means) copyright works without the permission of the copyright holder. However, the Music Publishers’ Association has issued a revised Code of Practice on copying copyright works for Music Festivals as follows:
“When an Own Choice work is selected from a publication containing several different works and which is not published separately, one copy may be made for the use of the adjudicator, provided that (a) the competitor already has purchased a copy and (b) the photocopy is retained and then destroyed by the organisation”. This concession only applies to copyright holders who are members of the Music Publishers’ Association.

COPYRIGHT LAW (including use of mobile phones and cameras)

16. The Festival is bound by Copyright Law and therefore, the use of any type of recording equipment, including photography, audio tape/ CD recorders and video cameras during the course of the Festival is strictly forbidden.


17. The Maidenhead Festival of Music and Dance will hold data submitted on the entry form on computer, solely for the purpose of running the Festival. The data will not be made available or communicated to any third party. However, winners’ names may be published in the local press or on our website. If an individual wishes to opt out of this, they should inform the relevant Co-ordinator before the commencement of the Festival.


18. Normally a first, second and third place will be announced by the Adjudicator in all classes. However, in classes where there are only a small number of competitors, the Adjudicator may use their discretion to award or withhold any of these categories.

19. Medals and Trophies will be awarded during the course of the Festival at the discretion of the Adjudicator. All Trophies are challenge trophies, held for one year, and remain the property of the Festival Organisers. Trophies must be returned in a clean condition to the respective Section Co-ordinator before the start of the next festival.

20. The winners are responsible for the safe custody of Trophies and for insurance at their own expense. In the event of damage or loss for any reason whatsoever, the holder will be responsible for the cost of replacement or repair and should take all necessary steps to obtain indemnity from his/her insurers. Trophy winners are responsible for the cost if they wish to have their names inscribed thereon in a similar size and style to the existing engraving.


21. The Festival Organisers accept no responsibility for loss or damage to personal belongings or equipment brought to the Festival.


22. All performers in Own Choice classes must declare the chosen pieces at the time of entry. Own choice pieces must be by published composers. Own compositions may not be used.

23. Any change to the declared programme listed on the entry form (including by change of piece, addition of piece, or deletion of piece) may result in either an entry being refused, or no category being awarded for the performance on the day.


24. We do not provide an official accompanist. Candidates are expected to bring their own accompanist, but in case of difficulty, the relevant Coordinator may be able to advise.


25. A copy of the full score with clear instructions as to how the composition is to be performed, and Details Sheet must be sent with the Entry Form, entry fee and stamped addressed envelope to the Section Co-ordinator no later than three weeks before the Closing Date. The entry may be rejected if this is not adhered to. The Festival Organisers cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts.
Entry Form: The title, Composer’s Name and Performance Time must be stated on the Entry Form, in BLOCK CAPITALS.
Manuscript Copy: The title and composer’s name must be written on the Manuscript Copy in BLOCK CAPITALS
Details Sheet: A separate details Sheet must be attached securely to the Manuscript Copy, listing the following details in BLOCK CAPITALS.
1) Title of the piece.
2) Composer’s name, address and telephone number and legible email address.
Validation: Candidates under the age of 18 years must have the back of the Manuscript Copy validated as an original unaided work by an independent witness, e.g. Director of Music or teacher. Junior composers may be assisted, within reason, in the annotation of their compositions.


26. In all classes, competitors should not exceed the stated time limit and may be penalised or even stopped if they do so.

27. Repeats are optional, but all works must comply with the time limit.


28. All classes are open to the public. There is a small charge for non-participants. The audience must not enter or leave whilst a class is in progress.


29. Receipt of completed forms implies acceptance of these rules. Any enquiries, complaints, protests or representations regarding the results of the competitions must be made in writing within seven days of the date of the competition direct to the Festival Chairman. The decision of the Executive Committee in resolving disputes shall be final. Correspondence requiring a reply must be accompanied by a SAE.


30. This can be found HERE




The following local suppliers may be able to assist you in obtaining sheet music.

Dawkes Music Ltd, Reform Road, Maidenhead, SL6 8BT 01628 630800